What is the biggest obstacle that prevents most people from earning more money? When you have a good money making idea, you must take action. Don’t wait for the “perfect idea”. Don’t worry because someone else has already done it. You must be fearless and take action. Don’t need a million dollars to start-up. You must face up to hardwork, put in lots of time and perseverance and take action.

Take action and you will succeed.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Make Money Writing Children's Books

How to Earn Money Writing Children's Books

Writing children's books may seem like an easy way to earn money. However, there is an art to writing a children's book that is entertaining and informative without being too moralistic, adorable or simplistic. Those who have mastered that art can earn a healthy income by working with legitimate publishing venues.

Are you the kind of person who has always loved to use your imagination and tell stories?
Writing your stories down is not very different from telling your stories verbally. There are no special skills or education required in order to be able to write children’s books. Simply having a good grasp of proper grammar and spelling and being able to tell a story that will make sense to the reader is all you need. It is your presentation and your personality that shines through that will make your stories truly special to your readers.

How to Turn it into a Business?
A lot of people are under the impression that you’ve got to hire a book publisher. This is not the case. The Internet has made writing and publishing books easier than ever! All you need to do is simply write your book and publish it all by yourself. Not only will you know how to write children’s books by doing this, but you’ll also know how to publish them!

If you’d rather be published by a traditional publisher, that is possible as well. You can buy writing and publishing tools that will give your stories more of a professional and clean look when you present them to prospective publishers.

What to Write About?
Always keep your options open when you’re thinking of different story ideas for your children’s books. There are several different ways of writing children’s books. You can write books that contain short stories, or you can have more of a lesson oriented style. You can even create your own pop-up and coloring books. Write about fun characters that kids will be able to relate to and really like. Ideally, create a series of books where your characters are used over and over in different situations and circumstances.

How to get started with first your children’s book?
There’s a lot more to children’s books than meets the eye. And in this list of ideas, you'll discover exactly what you need to know in order to write a children’s story for TODAY’s kids.

You’ll discover what topics are acceptable to publishers and what you should avoid if you really want to get published. There are also guides to step-by-step on how to approach a publisher with your story idea. The world of children’s writing changes quickly. Learn trends and opportunities in the current market.

Make Money Ideas Writing Children's Book

A comprehensive e-book by Robyn Opie Parnell, best-selling author of 80 children's books. Robyn reveals everything she's learned about writing children's books, insider information, tips and advice, and much, much more.

Writing for Children E-Course fully mentored by Robyn Opie Parnell. Learn from a best-selling author of more than 80 children's books.

Writing for Children E-course with Robyn Opie Parnell, best-selling author of more than 80 children's books.

This comprehensive e-book is written by Robyn Opie Parnell, the best-selling author of 80 children's books. 

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